Sunday 27 March 2011

Lucrezia Borgia

NAME Lucrezia Borgia

WHAT FAMOUS FOR Lucrezia Borgia is famous for being a prominent and controversial figure during the Italian Renaissance. She was a member of the notorious Borgia family and is often remembered for her marriages, political alliances, and the scandals that surrounded her life.

BIRTH Lucrezia Borgia was born on April 18, 1480, in Subiaco, a town near Rome, Italy.

FAMILY BACKGROUND Lucrezia was the daughter of Rodrigo Borgia (later Pope Alexander VI) and his mistress Vannozza dei Cattanei. She was part of the influential and infamous Borgia family, known for their political maneuvering and power within the Catholic Church.

CHILDHOOD Lucrezia spent her early years in Rome, surrounded by luxury and the intrigues of her father's rise to power. Her childhood was marked by the political aspirations of her family. She developed a love for the arts and music

EDUCATION Lucrezia received an excellent education, typical for a young noblewoman of her time. She was well-versed in Latin, Greek, Italian, French, and Spanish, and was also knowledgeable in literature, music, and the arts.

CAREER RECORD Although women of her time rarely held formal careers, Lucrezia played significant roles in political and social spheres through her marriages and familial connections. She acted as a diplomat and administrator, especially during her time as Duchess of Ferrara. She briefly served as Governor of Spoleto. 

APPEARANCE Contemporary accounts describe Lucrezia as being beautiful, with blonde hair that fell past her knees, blue eyes, a full, high bosom, and a fair complexion. 

Possible portrait of Lucrezia as St Catherine of Alexandria in a fresco by Pinturicchio,

FASHION Lucrezia was known for her elegant and fashionable attire, often setting trends at the courts she lived in. She wore luxurious fabrics and elaborate gowns, befitting her status.

The Renaissance was a time when cosmetics were all the rage, and Lucrezia Borgia embraced the trend. Mudpacks were her weapon of choice against wrinkles, and a pale complexion, achieved with liberal applications of powder, was the ultimate status symbol.

CHARACTER Historical records depict Lucrezia as charming, intelligent, and diplomatic. However, her character has been widely debated due to the scandals associated with her family.

SENSE OF HUMOUR It can be inferred that she possessed a wit and charm necessary for navigating the complex social and political environments of her time.

RELATIONSHIPS Lucrezia Borgia was basically a pawn in a game of political chess played by her ruthless father and brother, Cesare. She was engaged aged 10 and 11 (both annulled) before marrying Giovanni Sforza, Lord of Pesaro aged 13 on June 12, 1493. The marriage was later annulled by her dear old dad, who clearly had other plans for her.

By 18, she was hitched once more to the Neapolitan Alfonso of Aragon, but this time, things took a turn for the worse. Her husband was murdered, allegedly on the orders of her brother Cesare,. 

Thankfully, her third and final marriage to Alfonso d'Este, heir to the Duchy of Ferrara, in early 1502 proved more stable, though bother husband and wife ere faithful. She had eight children during this marriage, including Isabella d'Este, a renowned Renaissance figure.

Lucrezia maintained close relationships with her family, particularly her brother Cesare.

MONEY AND FAME As a member of the Borgia family and through her marriages, Lucrezia had access to significant wealth and power. Her notoriety and the intrigues surrounding her life also made her famous across Europe.

FOOD AND DRINK As a noblewoman, she would have enjoyed a rich and varied diet typical of the Renaissance elite, including fine wines and elaborate banquets.

A new Italian egg pasta in the form of flat ribbons called tagliatelle was supposedly inspired by a nobleman's love for Lucrezia's hair. 

MUSIC AND ARTS Lucrezia was a patron of the arts and enjoyed music. Her court in Ferrara was known for its cultural sophistication and patronage of authors and artists like Ariosto and Titian..

LITERATURE Lucrezia was well-read and appreciated literature. She likely enjoyed classical works and contemporary Renaissance literature.

NATURE She likely appreciated gardens and natural beauty, common interests among Renaissance nobility.

HOBBIES AND SPORTS As a noblewoman, Lucrezia would have engaged in activities such as hunting, horseback riding, and possibly falconry, which were popular among the elite. She also likely participated in courtly games and entertainment

SCIENCE AND MATHS Her broad education would have included some exposure to these fields.

PHILOSOPHY & THEOLOGY Lucrezia was raised in a deeply religious and politically influential family within the Catholic Church. She would have been knowledgeable about contemporary philosophical and theological debates. Lucrezia may have been influenced by the humanist movement

SCANDAL Lucrezia's life was marred by scandal, much of it related to her family's notorious reputation. Rumors of incest, murder, and political conspiracies surrounded her, although historical debate continues regarding the extent of her involvement. 

Possible Lucrezia portrait painted from life (attributed to Dosso Dossi, c. 1519

MILITARY RECORD Lucrezia was involved in political and diplomatic efforts that had military implications and may have played a supportive role in her brother Cesare's military campaigns

HEALTH AND PHYSICAL FITNESS She lived through several pregnancies and the rigors of Renaissance court life, and died at the relatively young age of 39.

HOMES Lucrezia lived in several impressive residences, including the Vatican, the ducal palaces in Ferrara, and various other estates associated with her family's influence.

TRAVEL Lucrezia traveled extensively due to her marriages and family connections, moving between Rome, Pesaro, Naples, and Ferrara.

DEATH Lucrezia Borgia died on June 24, 1519, in Ferrara, Italy, likely from complications following childbirth.

APPEARANCES IN MEDIA Lucrezia Borgia has been portrayed in numerous books, films, and television series, often highlighting the dramatic and scandalous aspects of her life. Notable portrayals include those in the 2011-2013 TV series The Borgias where she was played by Holliday Grainger and various historical novels.

The English rock band Sisters Of Mercy released a 1988 single "Lucretia My Reflection" titled after Lucrezia Borgia

ACHIEVEMENTS Despite the controversies, Lucrezia Borgia managed to navigate the complex political landscape of her time, securing significant positions and influence for herself and her children. Her role as a patron of the arts contributed to the cultural richness of the Renaissance period.

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