Saturday 3 January 2009

Pope Alexander VI

NAME Pope Alexander VI

WHAT FAMOUS FOR Pope Alexander VI, born Rodrigo Borgia, is famous for his controversial papacy (1492-1503), marked by accusations of corruption, nepotism, and political intrigue.

BIRTH Born on January 1, 1431, in Xàtiva, Kingdom of Valencia, part of the Crown of Aragon (now Spain).

FAMILY BACKGROUND Rodrigo Borgia was born into the prominent and influential Borgia family.  His family used its influence to secure positions and wealth within the Church. His uncle, Alonso de Borgia, became Pope Callixtus III, significantly aiding Rodrigo's ecclesiastical career.

CHILDHOOD Raised in a wealthy and powerful family, Rodrigo likely receiving an education befitting his noble status.

EDUCATION Rodrigo studied law at the University of Bologna, where he excelled and received a doctorate in canon law., preparing him for a career in the Church.

CAREER RECORD Rodrigo Borgia was appointed cardinal in 1456 by his uncle, Pope Callixtus III. He held various important church offices and became Vice-Chancellor of the Church, amassing significant power and wealth. Elected pope in 1492, his papacy was marred by accusations of corruption and nepotism.

Pope Alexander VI focused on expanding Borgia power and influence through political maneuvering and military campaigns.

APPEARANCE Contemporary accounts describe him as tall and handsome. He had a commanding presence with a strong and imposing build.

Pope Alexander VI attributed to Pedro Berruguete

FASHION Borgia favored rich fabrics and luxurious clothing, reflecting his high status.

As pope, he wore the elaborate vestments and regalia of the papacy, symbolizing his authority and position.

CHARACTER Pope Alexander VI was known for his ambition, shrewdness, and political acumen. However, he was also criticized for his moral lapses and the scandalous behavior of his court.

SENSE OF HUMOUR Described as witty and charming, with a sharp intellect, Pope Alexander VI enjoyed lively conversation and social gatherings.

RELATIONSHIPS Rodrigo Borgia was a wily, morally corrupt politician with a fondness for the fairer sex that would make a Hollywood Lothario raise an eyebrow. He had several mistresses and acknowledged multiple children, most notably Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia. His relationships were often scandalous and politically motivated.

He had several illegitimate children with his mistress, Vannozza Cattani, including Lucrezia. Alexander saw marrying her off as a purely strategic move. He arranged two marriages for her when she was a teenager, purely to further his own ambitions. Then, when he'd squeezed all the usefulness out of them, he arranged the divorces. 

The year after he became Pope, his 17-year-old son, Cesare Borgia, was made a cardinal

MONEY AND FAME As pope, Alexander VI amassed considerable wealth through various means, including simony (the selling of church offices). His fame, or rather infamy, was widespread due to his controversial actions and the notoriety of his family.

Alexander VI maintained complex political alliances with other European leaders.

FOOD AND DRINK Alexander VI enjoyed fine dining and elaborate feasts. He appreciated fine wines and other beverages.

MUSIC AND ARTS Pope Alexander VI was a patron of the arts and commissioned various works, contributing to the cultural richness of the Renaissance period. He supported the rebuilding of St. Peter's Basilica and other major projects.

LITERATURE He was likely well-read and familiar with the literature of his time.  

Alexander VI supported the production and dissemination of religious and scholarly texts

NATURE Alexander VI spent time at his country estates, surrounded by nature.

HOBBIES AND SPORTS An avid hunter and horseman. Alexander VI enjoyed games and social activities

SCIENCE AND MATHS Alexander VI supported advancements in these fields through patronage and funding.

PHILOSOPHY & THEOLOGY Alexander VI held traditional Catholic beliefs but focused more on temporal power and political maneuvering. His actions often contradicted the moral and ethical teachings of the Church and contributed to the rise of the Protestant Reformation.

Borgia was elected pope on August 11, 1492 and assumed the name of Alexander VI. Many of the Rome people were happy with their new pope because he was a generous and competent administrator who had served for decades as vice-chancellor. However, his election involved a healthy dose of bribery, which set the tone for his papacy. 

Europeans at the time believed the discovery of the New World was divine intervention, a chance to convert the American pagans and complete the evangelization of the entire world, paving the way for Christ's return. Even the corrupt Alexander VI got swept up in this wave of evangelistic zeal. He gathered the ambassadors of Europe and urged them to send missionaries to the newly discovered continent. The proposed crusade fizzled out, but the Pope had played a part in setting the stage for the evangelization of the Americas.

SCANDAL Alexander VI's papacy was riddled with scandals, including accusations of simony, nepotism, and personal immorality. His children, especially Cesare and Lucrezia, were also involved in numerous scandals, further tarnishing his reputation.

MILITARY RECORD While not a military leader himself, he used his position to influence political and military conflicts in Italy. He supported his son Cesare's military campaigns, aiming to expand Borgia control in Italy. Alexander VI used diplomacy and alliances to secure his political goals.

HEALTH AND PHYSICAL FITNESS He remained active and physically fit throughout his life before dying suddenly aged 72.

HOMES As pope, his primary residence was the Vatican in Rome. He owned several country estates and villas.

TRAVEL Alexander VI traveled extensively throughout Italy and Europe for political and religious purposes.

DEATH Pope Alexander VI died on August 18, 1503, in Rome. The exact cause of his death is uncertain, with theories ranging from malaria to poisoning.

Such was the late Pope’s unpopularity that only four prelates attended his the Requiem Mass.

APPEARANCES IN MEDIA Alexander VI has been depicted in various films, television series, and novels, often focusing on his controversial life and the scandals of the Borgia family.

Jeremy Irons played Pope Alexander VI in the miniseries The Borgias (2011-2013). He delivered a highly acclaimed performance as the ambitious, ruthless, and morally questionable Rodrigo Borgia,

ACHIEVEMENTS Despite his notorious reputation, Alexander VI's papacy saw the patronage of the arts and efforts to strengthen the political power of the papacy. His tenure remains one of the most controversial in the history of the Catholic Church.

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