Friday 11 February 2011

Jeff Bezos

NAME: Jeffrey Preston Bezos

WHAT FAMOUS FOR: Founding and revolutionizing e-commerce, as well as for being one of the wealthiest individuals in the world.

BIRTH: Born on January 12, 1964, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States.

FAMILY BACKGROUND: Bezos was born to Jacklyn Gise Jorgensen and Ted Jorgensen. His biological father, Ted, was a bike shop owner, and his mother, Jacklyn, was a teenager at the time of his birth. Jacklyn later married Miguel Bezos, a Cuban immigrant, who legally adopted Jeff.

Ted Jorgensen didn't know his son was the multi-billionaire who runs one of the biggest companies in the US. until a journalist tracked him down while writing a biography in 2012

CHILDHOOD: Growing up in Houston, Texas, Bezos showed an early interest in technology and innovation. He reportedly dismantled his crib with a screwdriver as a toddler and showed a fascination with how things worked.

EDUCATION: Bezos attended Miami Palmetto High School, where he excelled academically and was valedictorian of his class. 

He later attended Princeton University, where he studied electrical engineering and computer science, graduating summa cum laude in 1986.

Bezos once struggled with a difficult math problem for several hours. He brought it to his friend Yasantha, who solved it just by looking at it. After that, he realized he was not going to be a good theoretical physicist.

CAREER RECORD: Jeff Bezos, like many a future titan of industry, started out in the trenches, or at least a well-lit cubicle at a fintech startup called Fitel. There, young Jeff wrangled international trade networks like a digital cowboy.  His lasso? Probably a complicated spreadsheet and a whole lot of ambition.

After Fitel, Bezos bounced around the world of finance like a pinball in a chrome pinball machine. He landed at Bankers Trust and then D. E. Shaw, a firm that basically made money by outsmarting the market with fancy math tricks and computer programs that would make your head spin. But even amidst the beige walls and endless spreadsheets, a spark ignited in Bezos's mind. He stumbled upon a statistic that would change everything: web usage was exploding, growing at a rate that would make your head spin - something like 2,300% a year!

Now, Bezos wasn't one to shy away from a good opportunity. He saw a future where people wouldn't have to traipse through dusty bookstores, and where bibliophiles could find any book their heart desired with just a click. The idea was so enthralling that he did something rather audacious: he ditched his comfy vice president job, like a knight throwing down his sword for a keyboard and mouse.

So, on July 5, 1994, with the Seattle rain drumming a rhythm on the roof, Amazon was born. Not in a gleaming corporate office, but in a rented garage, the kind of place where dreams take flight (or at least get coded into existence). Back then, it was all about books - a digital haven for bookworms everywhere. But Bezos, never one to rest on his laurels, soon transformed Amazon into a digital bazaar. On July 16, 1995, he launched the online shop originally selling only books, but has since extended to hawking everything from CDs to clothes to, well, you name it.

By 2000 Amazon claimed 17 million customers in over 160 countries, and was one of the world's most visited Web sites,  and in 2015, Amazon surpassed Walmart as the most valuable retailer in the United States by market capitalization. 

In 2021 Bezos stepped down as CEO to become the executive chairman, like some kind of digital king who'd decided to relax poolside with a margarita while his underlings ran the empire.

But Bezos wasn't content to just be the king of online shopping. He had his sights set on the cosmos, too. In 2000, he founded Blue Origin, a company with a mission statement that would make Jules Verne do a spit-take: sub-orbital spaceflight services. And to prove he wasn't all talk and stock options, he blasted himself into space in 2021 alongside his brother, marking a giant leap for mankind... or at least a very expensive one for Bezos himself.

APPEARANCE: Bezos is often seen as a tall, lean, bald man with a distinctive laugh and expressive eyes.

Bezos in 2017

FASHION: Known for his preference for casual attire, Bezos is frequently seen in jeans, button-down shirts, and occasionally a blazer.

CHARACTER: Bezos is known for his relentless drive, ambition, and visionary leadership. He is described as highly analytical, innovative, and customer-focused. Bezos is also known for being demanding and competitive.

SENSE OF HUMOUR: While Bezos is known for his serious demeanor in business, he has also demonstrated a dry wit and has made occasional public appearances that showcase his sense of humor.

RELATIONSHIPS: Bezos's personal life has been as dramatic as a daytime soap opera. He married MacKenzie Scott in 1993 in a meet-cute that wouldn't be out of place in a rom-com (they met at her workplace, D. E. Shaw). Together they built a life and a family, but alas, it wasn't meant to be. In 2018, news of an affair with Lauren Sanchez, an entertainment reporter, hit the tabloids like a meteor. Bezos's marriage went the way of dial-up internet: slow, then painfully disconnected. 

Their 2019 divorce was a doozy, with MacKenzie Scott walking away with a cool $35.6 billion worth of Amazon stock, making her one of the richest women on the planet. 

But love, as they say, conquers all, even billionaire heartbreaks. In 2023, Bezos found love again (or perhaps a particularly dazzling engagement ring did the trick) with Lauren Sanchez.

MONEY AND FAME: Bezos was the wealthiest person in the world from 2017 to 2021 according to both Bloomberg's Billionaires Index and Forbes, with a net worth primarily derived from his stake in Amazon. He remains one of the wealthiest people in the world, with a net worth of over $200 billion (as of May 2024).

Bezos' wealth and influence have made him a controversial figure.

FOOD AND DRINK: Bezos has expressed an interest in food innovation and sustainability. He is known to invest in companies focused on alternative protein sources and environmental conservation.

MUSIC AND ARTS: Bezos has shown an appreciation for the arts, supporting initiatives such as The Washington Post's arts and culture coverage and funding projects related to space exploration.

LITERATURE: Bezos is known to be an avid reader and has recommended books on various subjects through Amazon's website.

NATURE: Bezos has a keen interest in space exploration and has founded Blue Origin, a company focused on developing space tourism and rocket technology.

HOBBIES AND SPORTS: Bezos enjoys flying helicopters and has a keen interest in aviation. He also enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking and horseback riding.

SCIENCE AND MATHS: With his background in electrical engineering and computer science, Bezos has a strong interest in science and mathematics. This interest is reflected in his investments in space exploration and technology.

PHILOSOPHY & THEOLOGY: Bezos has not been notably public about his philosophical or theological beliefs.

POLITICS Bezos is not publicly affiliated with any one political party, but leans  liberal on social issues He has donated to both Republican and Democratic candidates. Bezos has lobbied for policies that benefit Amazon, such as tax breaks for e-commerce businesses.

SCANDAL: Bezos has been involved in some public controversies, including his divorce from MacKenzie Scott and allegations of anticompetitive business practices by Amazon. He has also faced criticism for Amazon's labor practices including reports of long hours, low wages, and demanding work environments, and its impact on traditional brick-and-mortar stores.

HEALTH AND PHYSICAL FITNESS: Bezos has not publicly disclosed extensive details about his health and fitness routine, but he appears to maintain a relatively active lifestyle.

HOMES Bezos currently owns several residences:

Medina, Washington: Considered his primary residence, a large estate near Seattle.

Beverly Hills, California: A large estate purchased in 2007.

Texas: Owns a ranch in West Texas, near his grandparents' former property.

TRAVEL Bezos founded Blue Origin, a space exploration company, and took a successful suborbital flight in 2021.

He enjoys adventurous travel destinations.

APPEARANCES IN MEDIA  Bezos is a regular target for business news outlets due to his position at Amazon and his influence in the tech industry.

He is frequently interviewed about Amazon, space exploration, and his business philosophy.

Bezos has made cameo appearances in movies like Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (2016) and TV shows like The Simpsons (1999).

ACHIEVEMENTS: Bezos's most significant achievement is undoubtedly the founding and growth of, which has transformed the retail industry and made him one of the wealthiest individuals in the world. Additionally, his efforts in space exploration through Blue Origin represent a pioneering vision for the future of humanity beyond Earth.

He was named Time Magazine's Person of the Year in 1999. It was Bezos' first major award.

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