Saturday 15 October 2011

George H. W. Bush

NAME George Herbert Walker Bush

WHAT FAMOUS FOR George H. W. Bush is famous for being the 41st President of the United States, serving from 1989 to 1993. He is also known for his extensive career in public service, including roles as Vice President, CIA Director, and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

BIRTH George H. W. Bush was born on June 12, 1924, in Milton, Massachusetts, USA.

FAMILY BACKGROUND George H. W. Bush was born into a prominent family. His father, Prescott Bush, was a Wall Street executive investment banker,  who represented Connecticut in the US Senate from 1952 to 1963. He was also a golf buddy of Bob Hope. His mother, Dorothy Walker Bush, came from a wealthy and influential family.

CHILDHOOD Bush grew up in a privileged environment, primarily in Greenwich, Connecticut. He spent his summers at the family estate in Kennebunkport, Maine, where he developed a love for the sea and outdoor activities.

EDUCATION Bush attended Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. After serving in World War II, he enrolled at Yale University, graduating with honors in 1948 with a degree in Economics. He finished his degree in just two and a half years and captained the Yale baseball team, playing in the first two College World Series.

CAREER RECORD Bush's career spanned various sectors. Here's his resume: 

World War II Navy pilot (decorated for bravery)

Texas oil industry executive

U.S. Congressman (Texas)

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations

Chairman of the Republican National Committee

Director of Central Intelligence

Vice President under Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)

41st President of the United States (1989-1993)

APPEARANCE George H. W. Bush was known for his tall, lean physique, standing at 6 feet 2 inches and his expressive eyebrows. He had a dignified appearance with silver-gray hair and a warm, approachable demeanor.

Portrait of President George H.W. Bush cropped and reuploaded by Emiya1980

FASHION Bush favored classic American style, often seen in tailored suits, casual sweaters, and boating attire when at Kennebunkport. He was also known for his colorful and eccentric socks.

CHARACTER Bush was widely regarded as courteous, dedicated, and pragmatic. He had a strong sense of duty and was known for his modesty and humility despite his achievements.

SENSE OF HUMOUR Bush had a subtle sense of humor, often using self-deprecation and light-hearted jokes to connect with others. He was known for his witty one-liners and playful banter with family and friends.

RELATIONSHIPS Bush married Barbara Pierce on January 6, 1945, and their marriage lasted 73 years until her death in 2018. They had six children, including George W. Bush, who became the 43rd President of the United States, and Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida.

MONEY AND FAME Bush's wealth primarily came from his successful oil business and his family's financial background. His fame grew through his long public service career, culminating in his presidency.

FOOD AND DRINK Bush was known for his love of simple American cuisine, particularly barbecued meats and Tex-Mex food. He also enjoyed Maine lobster, brownies and a good cup of coffee.

He famously disliked broccoli, even banning it from Air Force One.

MUSIC AND ARTS Bush had a broad appreciation for music, enjoying everything from country to classical. He also supported the arts through various cultural initiatives during his presidency.

LITERATURE Bush was an avid reader, enjoying biographies, historical texts, and novels. He often cited Winston Churchill as one of his literary and historical heroes.

NATURE Bush had a deep appreciation for nature, particularly the ocean. He enjoyed fishing, boating, and spending time at his coastal home in Kennebunkport, Maine.

PETS Bush had several pets, including Millie, an English Springer Spaniel. Millie was a famous "first dog" during his presidency, even "dictating" a best-selling book.

HOBBIES AND SPORTS Bush was an enthusiastic sportsman, enjoying golf, tennis, fishing, and boating. He also loved skydiving, completing several jumps even into his later years.

SCIENCE AND MATHS  Bush supported scientific research and education during his presidency, advocating for space exploration and environmental protection.

PHILOSOPHY & THEOLOGY Bush was an Episcopalian and his faith played a significant role in his life. He often spoke about the importance of faith, family, and service to others.

POLITICS Bush's political career was marked by his tenure as Vice President under Ronald Reagan and his own presidency. He focused on foreign policy, managing the end of the Cold War, the Gulf War, and advocating for a "kinder, gentler nation."

Bush had a successful business career, but politics, however, was his real calling. He bounced around different political gigs like a pinball in a pachinko machine – Congressman, UN ambassador, CIA director, you name it. 

Eventually, he landed the coveted role of Vice President under the ever-coiffed Ronald Reagan. Then, in 1988, it was finally George's turn to take the Oval Office hot seat. Now, foreign policy was his wheelhouse. He helped steer the world through the tail-end of the Cold War, watched the Berlin Wall crumble like a stale donut, and even kicked some butt in the Gulf War, liberating Kuwait from that pesky Saddam Hussein.

On the domestic front, things were a bit bumpier than a Texas dirt road. He famously broke a campaign promise about taxes (sorry, folks, gotta fill those government coffers!), but hey, he did manage to sign some pretty cool stuff into law, like the Americans with Disabilities Act, which meant everyone could finally enjoy that sweet, sweet public restroom access.

By 1992, the American people were ready for a change, and George, unfortunately, got the boot. But hey, he didn't mope around like a teenager whose phone got confiscated. Instead, he became a champion for good causes, even working alongside his former political rival, Bill Clinton. Talk about burying the hatchet!

SCANDAL The most notable controversy during Bush's presidency was the Iran-Contra affair, which originated during Reagan's administration but involved actions taken by Bush as Vice President.

MILITARY RECORD Bush enlisted in the Navy on his 18th birthday in 1943, becoming the youngest pilot in the Navy. He flew 58 combat missions during World War II, earning three Air Medals and the Distinguished Flying Cross. His most harrowing experience was being shot down over the Pacific on September 2, 1944, and being the lone survivor of his squadron, rescued by the USS Finback.

Bush in his Grumman TBM Avenger on the carrier USS San Jacinto, 1944

HEALTH AND PHYSICAL FITNESS Bush maintained good health and physical fitness throughout most of his life, famously celebrating his 75th, 80th, 85th, and 90th birthdays with parachute jumps. In his later years, he was diagnosed with vascular parkinsonism, which affected his mobility.

HOMES Bush's primary residences included his family estate in Kennebunkport, Maine, and a home in Houston, Texas. He also spent time at the White House during his presidency.

TRAVEL Bush traveled extensively both personally and as part of his diplomatic missions. His travels included official state visits around the world and leisure trips to his beloved Kennebunkport.

DEATH George H. W. Bush passed away on November 30, 2018, at the age of 94, at his home in Houston, Texas. His service dog, Sully, was famously pictured sleeping next to his coffin during his state funeral.

APPEARANCES IN MEDIA Bush appeared in numerous interviews, documentaries, and news programs. He was also portrayed in various films and TV shows, reflecting his significant impact on American history.

ACHIEVEMENTS Bush's achievements include his leadership in the peaceful end of the Cold War, the successful execution of the Gulf War, his commitment to volunteerism, and his long legacy of public service. His presidency saw significant legislative accomplishments, including the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Clean Air Act.

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