Thursday 20 September 2012

Winston Churchill

NAME Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

WHAT FAMOUS FOR Winston Churchill is famous for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War II, his speeches that rallied the British people, and his long career as a statesman, writer, and soldier.

BIRTH Born on November 30, 1874, at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, England.

FAMILY BACKGROUND Churchill came from an aristocratic family. His father was Lord Randolph Churchill (1849-1895), a prominent Tory MP and descendant of the Duke of Marlborough.

His mother was American socialite Jenny Jerome. She was known for her beauty, had a permanent bracelet tattooed on her wrist, and was of part Iroquois Native American descent. She was a thrice-married figure with a notable presence in politics, literature, and social circles. Winston had a younger brother named Jack.

Jennie Spencer Churchill with her two sons, Jack (left) and Winston (right) in 1889

CHILDHOOD  Elizabeth Everest was hired as Winston Churchill's nanny when he was just a few months old. She played a significant role in Churchill's early life, becoming a surrogate parent figure due to the limited attention he received from his own parents.

Churchill developed a strong emotional bond with Mrs. Everest, whom he affectionately called "Woom" or "Woomany". 

Churchill's attachment to Mrs. Everest was so strong that he later wrote, "she had been my dearest and most intimate friend during the whole of the twenty years I had lived

With his fiery red hair, explosive energy, and mischievous nature, he was a hyperactive and naughty child who dreamed of joining the army. As a teenager, he was notably pale and lacked hair.

Following family tradition, Churchill spent much of his childhood at boarding schools, including Harrow. Despite his letters pleading for his mother to visit or allow him to come home, he was rarely seen by her. Although he closely followed his father's career, their relationship was distant. In 1886, he famously declared, "My daddy is Chancellor of the Exchequer, and one day that's what I'm going to be." 

As an infant, Winston Churchill had the same effect on his parents as coffee: he kept them awake all night

EDUCATION Churchill attended two private schools in England. Despite his dyslexia, he remained in the lowest grades at school for a significantly longer period than his peers. Academically, he was as successful as an alchemist, struggling with languages and mathematics but excelling in literature and history.

Churchill's time at Harrow was marked by academic challenges, as he was frequently punished for poor work and lack of effort. His independent and rebellious nature hindered his academic progress, though he did achieve notable success as the school's fencing champion.

After failing the entrance exams to Sandhurst twice, Churchill finally passed on his third attempt in 1893. Entering the Royal Military College near the bottom of his class, he made a remarkable turnaround, graduating eighth out of 102 cadets two years later.

Churchill possessed an incredible memory, capable of reciting lectures or plays verbatim."

CAREER RECORD Winston Churchill held various political positions, including First Lord of the Admiralty, Minister of Munitions, and Chancellor of the Exchequer. He served twice as Prime Minister, from 1940–1945 and 1951–1955.

APPEARANCE Churchill was stocky, with a distinctive round face, often seen wearing a bow tie and hat, and always had a cigar in hand.

FASHION He favored tailored suits, bow ties, and his signature homburg hats. Churchill was known for his practical yet elegant style.

CHARACTER Churchill had a larger-than-life personality, marked by determination, courage, and resilience. He was a complex figure, often described as stubborn and uncompromising.

SENSE OF HUMOUR He was known for his wit and dry sense of humor, often using sarcasm to disarm his opponents.

RELATIONSHIPS Churchill married Clementine Hozier in 1908, and their marriage was marked by deep affection and respect. They had five children together.

MONEY AND FAME Though Churchill struggled with finances early in life, his fame and wealth grew through his political career, his public speaking, and his prolific writing, including winning the Nobel Prize in Literature.

FOOD AND DRINK He enjoyed fine dining, champagne, and whisky. He had a well-documented fondness for alcohol and famously indulged in it regularly.

MUSIC AND ARTS Churchill had a passion for painting and took it up as a hobby later in life. He painted landscapes, and his art became well-regarded.

LITERATURE Churchill was a prolific writer, producing numerous books on history, politics, and war. His most famous works include The Second World War and A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953.

NATURE Churchill enjoyed the countryside and found solace in his garden at his home, Chartwell.

PETS Churchill was fond of animals and owned a variety of pets, including cats and dogs. His poodle, Rufus, was particularly famous.

HOBBIES AND SPORTS In addition to painting, Churchill enjoyed polo and horseback riding in his youth.

SCIENCE AND MATHS Churchill was a supporter of scientific advancement, especially in military technology.

PHILOSOPHY & THEOLOGY Churchill was a pragmatic thinker with a deep respect for history. He was nominally Anglican but not particularly religious. His writings often reflected his philosophical musings on human nature and war.

POLITICS  A staunch Conservative, Churchill believed in British imperialism and the Commonwealth. He held numerous government positions and his most notable political achievement was leading Britain through World War II as Prime Minister.

SCANDAL Churchill faced criticism for various decisions, such as his role in the disastrous Gallipoli Campaign during World War I and his handling of the Bengal famine in 1943.

MILITARY RECORD Churchill served as a soldier in the British Army, seeing action in India, Sudan, and the Second Boer War. His experience as a war correspondent also shaped his early political career.

HEALTH AND PHYSICAL FITNESS Churchill suffered from bouts of depression, which he referred to as his "black dog." Despite heavy drinking and smoking, he lived a long life, though he had several strokes in his later years.

HOMES Churchill's primary residence was Chartwell, a country estate in Kent. He also lived in London during his political career, spending time at 10 Downing Street.

TRAVEL As a soldier, war correspondent, and statesman, Churchill traveled extensively. His trips ranged from military campaigns in Africa to diplomatic missions in the United States and Soviet Union.

DEATH Churchill died on January 24, 1965, at the age of 90 after suffering a severe stroke. He was given a state funeral and buried at St. Martin's Church in Bladon, near his birthplace at Blenheim Palace.

APPEARANCES IN MEDIA Churchill has been portrayed in numerous films and television shows, including The Darkest Hour, where Gary Oldman famously depicted him, and The Crown. His speeches and quotes remain iconic.

ACHIEVEMENTS Winston Churchill is remembered for his leadership during WWII, his writings, and his impact on British and world history. He is often considered one of the greatest Britons of all time.

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