Wednesday 28 March 2012

Giacomo Casanova

NAME Giacomo Girolamo Casanova

WHAT FAMOUS FOR Giacomo Casanova is renowned as one of history's greatest lovers and adventurers. He became a legendary figure known for his amorous escapades, his influence on European culture, and his vast body of written work, including his autobiography Histoire de ma vie (Story of My Life), which provides a vivid account of 18th-century European society.

BIRTH Casanova was born on April 2, 1725, in Venice, Italy.

FAMILY BACKGROUND Casanova was born into a family of actors. His father, Gaetano Casanova, and his mother, Zanetta Farussi, were both part of the theatrical world, which instilled in him a lifelong passion for drama and performance.

CHILDHOOD Casanova's childhood was marked by illness; he suffered from frequent nosebleeds and other ailments, leading to his mother sending him to a witch for treatment, an experience he later recounted with a mixture of humor and skepticism. His grandmother played a significant role in his upbringing.

EDUCATION Casanova received a varied education, beginning with his studies at the University of Padua, where he earned a degree in law at the age of 17. He was also well-versed in philosophy, theology, and the classics, which equipped him for his diverse and adventurous life.

CAREER RECORD Casanova led a multifaceted career. He was a soldier, clergyman, diplomat, spy, philosopher, writer, gambler and, famously, a lover. His life was a series of highs and lows, including periods of wealth and influence, as well as stints in prison, most notably his escape from the infamous Piombi prison in Venice.

APPEARANCE Casanova was known to be tall, with an imposing presence, dark hair, striking blue eyes and an expressive face. His charisma and appearance played a significant role in his success with women.

Portrait by Alessandro Longhi, c. 1774

FASHION He was a man of style, often dressed in the finest clothes, and took great care in his appearance, which was essential in the social circles he moved in. His fashion sense reflected the elegance and sophistication of the time.

CHARACTER Casanova was charming, intelligent, and adaptable. He possessed a quick wit and a deep understanding of human nature, which he used to his advantage in various pursuits. However, he also had a reputation for being unscrupulous, particularly in matters of love and gambling.

SENSE OF HUMOUR Casanova had a sharp sense of humor, often laced with irony and satire. He was known for his quick wit and ability to entertain with humorous anecdotes. His writings reveal a man who could laugh at himself and the absurdities of life, even as he navigated its complexities.

RELATIONSHIPS Casanova is most famous for his numerous romantic relationships. He claimed to have seduced over 100 women, a feat that earned him a lasting reputation as a consummate lover. His relationships were often intense but fleeting, driven by his insatiable desire for pleasure and new experiences.

A fellow of boundless energy and apparently limitless gall, Casanova claimed acquaintance with everyone from popes and kings to Voltaire and Mozart. He was a social chameleon, flitting effortlessly between the boudoirs of Venice and the salons of Paris.

MONEY AND FAME Casanova experienced both wealth and poverty throughout his life. He was a shrewd businessman at times, notably introducing the lottery to France in 1757, which made him a millionaire. However, his extravagant lifestyle and gambling often led to financial difficulties.

FOOD AND DRINK A gourmet, Casanova had a refined palate and is credited with popularizing oysters and truffles as aphrodisiacs. He was known to eat 50 oysters for breakfast, and he enjoyed fine dining, often detouring during his travels to taste local delicacies. He even invented a special vinegar to season hard-boiled eggs.

MUSIC AND ARTS Casanova's love for the arts was profound, influenced by his parents' careers as actors. He had a particular passion for theater and opera, often attending performances across Europe. His life itself was often theatrical, reflecting his love for drama and performance.

LITERATURE Casanova was a prolific writer, producing over twenty works, including plays, essays, and novels. His most famous work is his autobiography, Histoire de ma vie, a sprawling, racy chronicle of 18th-century Europe that’s as revealing as it is entertaining. It's like stumbling upon a candid diary of the era, filled with the sort of juicy gossip and behind-the-scenes details that historians normally blush to mention.

Page from the autograph manuscript of Histoire de ma vie

His novel Icosameron is an early example of science fiction.

NATURE Casanova appreciated the beauty of nature, which is reflected in his writings. However, his life was more focused on human society and urban experiences than on rural or natural settings.

PETS There is little record of Casanova having pets, as his lifestyle of constant travel and social engagement likely made pet ownership impractical.

HOBBIES AND SPORTS Casanova was an avid gambler, a hobby that both enriched and impoverished him at different times. He was also fond of fencing and other physical activities, which helped maintain his physical fitness.

SCIENCE AND MATHS Casanova was interested in the scientific developments of his time. His intellectual curiosity extended to various fields, including alchemy and mathematics, which he dabbled in during his adventures.

PHILOSOPHY & THEOLOGY Casanova was well-versed in philosophy and theology, having studied these subjects extensively. Despite his libertine lifestyle, he often reflected on moral and ethical issues, particularly in his later years.

POLITICS Casanova was involved in the politics of his time, often serving as a diplomat and spy. His political activities were usually self-serving, aimed at securing his position or escaping from trouble.

SCANDAL Casanova's life was filled with scandal, particularly regarding his relationships with women. His amorous escapades often led to duels, imprisonments, and social ostracism. His escape from Piombi prison in Venice remains one of his most famous exploits.

MILITARY RECORD Casanova briefly served as a soldier, but his military career was short-lived and not particularly distinguished. He preferred the excitement of civilian life to the discipline of the military.

HEALTH AND PHYSICAL FITNESS Casanova maintained good health for much of his life, thanks to his active lifestyle. He was conscious of his physical fitness, which contributed to his reputation as a vigorous lover.

HOMES Casanova lived in various places across Europe, including Venice, Paris, London, and eventually the Castle of Dux in Bohemia, where he spent his final years as a librarian.

TRAVEL Casanova was a tireless traveler, journeying across Europe from Spain to Russia. His travels were often motivated by his need to escape from legal troubles or pursue new opportunities. He traveled with a custom-made portable bath for two, reflecting his love for luxury and comfort.

DEATH Casanova died on June 4, 1798, at the age of 73, in Dux (now Duchcov, Czech Republic). His last words, according to his friend, the Prince de Ligne, were: "I have lived as a philosopher, and die as a Christian."

APPEARANCES IN MEDIA Casanova's life has been the subject of numerous films, books, and plays, often focusing on his romantic exploits. The term "Casanova" has become synonymous with a man who is a promiscuous and unscrupulous lover.

ACHIEVEMENTS Casanova's greatest achievement is perhaps his autobiography, Histoire de ma vie, which offers a detailed and colorful account of 18th-century European society. He also made significant contributions to European culture, including the introduction of the lottery to France, which had a lasting impact on the country's economy. His reputation as the world's greatest lover and his influence on the mythos of romance and adventure endure to this day.

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