Thursday 21 April 2011

Richard Branson

NAME Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson

WHAT FAMOUS FOR Richard Branson is famous for founding the Virgin Group, a conglomerate of over 40 companies. He is known for his entrepreneurial spirit, innovative business ventures, and daring stunts.

BIRTH Richard Branson was born on July 18, 1950, in Blackheath, London, England.

FAMILY BACKGROUND He is the son of Eve Branson, a former ballet dancer, and Edward James Branson, a barrister. Richard has two siblings: Vanessa, his sister, and Lindy, his half-sister.

CHILDHOOD Branson had a challenging childhood with dyslexia, which he struggled with in school. He was an adventurous and curious child, often indulging in escapades. 

Branson's school friends nicknamed him "Letsgo" because he was always saying "let’s go" to get everyone on to the next thing.

His entrepreneurial spirit emerged early, starting businesses like selling Christmas trees and renting budgies

EDUCATION He attended Scaitcliffe School and later moved to Stowe School, where his academic struggles continued. Despite his educational challenges, he developed a love for music and business. Branson dropped out at 16 to pursue his business ventures. On his last day at school, Branson's headmaster told him he would either end up in prison or become a millionaire.

CAREER RECORD Richard Branson's story is a classic tale of British eccentricity and can-do spirit, with a healthy dose of dyslexia thrown in for good measure.  Despite wrestling with the written word, Branson, even as a schoolboy, proved himself a dab hand at business. His first venture, a magazine called Student, wasn't exactly highbrow literature, but it did manage to sell enough ads to keep the youngster afloat.

In 1970, he set up a mail-order record business. He went on to establish Virgin Records in 1972, which grew into Virgin Group, The name Virgin came about in a delightfully unvarnished way.  Branson and his mates, all wide-eyed and new to the world of commerce, simply declared themselves "virgins" in the business sense.  Unconventional? Absolutely. But undeniably memorable.

Branson's business ventures haven't been limited to record labels. He's dabbled in radio stations, trains (though some routes have since changed hands), mobile phones, and even a space tourism company – Virgin Galactic, for those with a taste for the stratospheric.

He is known for his innovative business strategies and willingness to take risks.

APPEARANCE Branson is recognized for his distinctive appearance, characterized by his unruly white hair, tall and slender build and a neatly trimmed beard.

Branson in 2015 By Chatham House -

FASHION He is known for his laid-back style, often seen in casual, comfortable clothing, favoring bright colors and a relaxed, approachable look. He embraces Virgin branding with subtle touches, like a Virgin pocket square.

Branson's disdain for neckties is legendary. The man carries around a pair of scissors, ready to snip the offending garments off unsuspecting victims. He even has a "trophy cushion" at his Necker Island abode, lovingly adorned with the liberated neckties of his sartorial conquests. Imagine facing Branson, only to have him reach for your tie with a glint in his eye!

CHARACTER Branson is known for his adventurous spirit, charisma, and relentless optimism. His leadership style is often described as visionary and unconventional. Branson possesses a strong work ethic and a competitive spirit.

SENSE OF HUMOUR He has a playful and irreverent sense of humor, frequently engaging in publicity stunts and pranks that reflect his bold personality.

RELATIONSHIPS Richard Branson has been married twice (Kristen Tomassi (1972-1979) and Joan Templeman (since 1989)) and has two children, Holly and Sam. A third child, daughter Clare Sarah (b. 1979), died only four days after birth; 

His relationships have often been publicized, and he is known for his close ties with his family and friends.

MONEY AND FAME Branson's net worth has fluctuated, but his fame has remained steady, largely due to his high-profile ventures and media presence. He is one of the wealthiest individuals in the UK, with a significant portion of his wealth tied to the Virgin brand. He uses his wealth to support various philanthropic endeavors.

Branson once lost a wager with AirAsia's Tony Fernandes on a Formula One race. Loser's prize? Donning the uniform of a flight attendant on the winner's airline – in drag, no less! Picture Branson, legs shaved and sporting questionable makeup, charming passengers on a five-hour AirAsia flight. Not only was it hilarious, but it raised a cool $200,000 for charity. Classic Branson.

FOOD AND DRINK Branson enjoys a variety of cuisines and is particularly fond of vegetarian food. He has a penchant for fine wine and has invested in the wine business. Branson often drinks over 20 cups of tea a day.

MUSIC AND ARTS  He has a deep love for music, founding Virgin Records and promoting numerous artists, including the Sex Pistols and the Rolling Stones. Branson is also an art enthusiast, supporting various art projects and exhibitions.

Branson's foray into music began with a bang, quite literally.  His first signing was none other than his school chum, Mike Oldfield. Oldfield's magnum opus, the sprawling Tubular Bells, became a surprise megahit thanks in part to its chilling use in the film The Exorcist.  Suddenly, Virgin Records was a name on everyone's lips.

LITERATURE Branson is an avid reader and has authored several books, sharing his experiences and insights into entrepreneurship and life, including Losing My Virginity.

NATURE He is a strong advocate for environmental conservation, supporting initiatives like the Virgin Earth Challenge and various sustainability projects.

HOBBIES AND SPORTS Branson enjoys a range of activities, including kite surfing, ballooning, and sailing. His adventurous hobbies often intersect with his business pursuits.

In January 1991, Branson and his trusty hot air balloon embarked on a rather ambitious trip – a 6,700-mile slingshot across the Pacific Ocean, from the neon lights of Japan all the way to the icy plains of Arctic Canada. That's right, folks, 6,700 miles in a glorified basket! And guess what? They smashed the record, averaging a cool 145 miles per hour. 

Branson's ballooning adventures didn't stop there. Between 1995 and 1998, he assembled a crack team of fellow daredevils, including the likes of Per Lindstrand and Steve Fossett (another chap who clearly wasn't a fan of terra firma). Their audacious goal? To become the first to circumnavigate the entire globe in a hot air balloon – basically, a high-altitude game of hopscotch around the entire planet.

While they didn't quite manage a full loop (those pesky winds can be a real bother!), they did set another record with a monster flight from Morocco all the way to Hawaii.  Unfortunately, global ballooning bragging rights went to Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones a few months later, but hey, you can't win 'em all, can you?

Branson, ever the restless adventurer, decided to take his record-breaking spirit to the water in 2004. This time, his weapon of choice? An amphibious vehicle called the Gibbs Aquada. Think James Bond meets a bathtub – a high-powered contraption that could zip across both land and sea.  And zip it did! Branson scorched across the English Channel from Dover to Calais in a mind-blowing 1 hour and 40 minutes, shattering the previous record of six hours by a whopping four and a half hours. 

SCIENCE AND MATHS Branson has shown a keen interest in space exploration and technology, founding Virgin Galactic to make space tourism a reality.

PHILOSOPHY & THEOLOGY Branson’s philosophy centers on adventure, innovation, and social responsibility. He is a secular humanist who believes in the power of positive thinking and the importance of making a difference.

SCANDAL Branson has faced various controversies, including disputes over business practices and personal conduct, but his reputation for resilience and charisma has helped him navigate these challenges.

HEALTH AND PHYSICAL FITNESS Branson is known for his active lifestyle and commitment to physical fitness, regularly engaging in activities like kite surfing, swimming, and yoga.

HOMES He owns multiple properties worldwide, including Necker Island in the Caribbean, where he enjoys a private retreat and hosts various events.

Here's the story of Necker Island, his luxurious Caribbean retreat. Branson, in a youthful bid to impress his then-girlfriend, jokingly offered $100,000 for the $6 million island. The owner settled for a mere $120,000. And just like that, Branson became an island owner (and, eleven years later, married the very same girlfriend on said island).

TRAVEL Branson is a passionate traveler, having visited numerous countries and explored diverse cultures. His love for travel is evident in his business ventures and personal adventures.

Airlines weren't exactly part of the original Bransonian business plan.  However, as with many a successful entrepreneur, fate intervened in the form of a canceled flight.  Stranded and ever the resourceful chap, Branson secured a charter jet, herded the stranded passengers aboard (gratis, of course!), and with a twinkle in his eye, christened the impromptu service "Virgin Atlantic Airways – Flight 1."  Some of those very passengers, tickled by Branson's audacity, even became early investors in the fledgling airline.

On July 11, 2021, Branson became a passenger on his own Virgin Galactic spacecraft, soaring 80 kilometers above Earth and experiencing the thrill of weightlessness.

APPEARANCES IN MEDIA Branson is frequently interviewed and featured in media outlets due to his business success and adventurous spirit. He is known for his engaging personality and willingness to share his story.

ACHIEVEMENTS Branson’s achievements include numerous business successes, awards, and honors. Notable among them are the creation of Virgin Atlantic Airways, Virgin Galactic, and his numerous philanthropic efforts, earning him accolades like the title of Knight Bachelor for services to entrepreneurship.

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