Saturday, 27 June 2009

Marcus Aurelius

NAME: Marcus Aurelius

WHAT FAMOUS FOR: Marcus Aurelius is renowned as one of the most significant Stoic philosophers and the last of the "Five Good Emperors" of the Roman Empire.

BIRTH: Marcus Aurelius was born on April 26, 121 AD, in Rome, Italy.

FAMILY BACKGROUND: He was born into a prominent and wealthy Roman family, the gens Aurelia. His father, Marcus Annius Verus (d. 124 AD), was a distinguished Roman politician who lived in the 2nd century, served as a praetor 

In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius, who was only about 3 years old when his father died, says of him: "From what I heard of my father and my memory of him, modesty and manliness."

Marcus's mother, Domitia Lucilla Minor was the daughter of the Roman patrician P. Calvisius Tullus and inherited a great fortune.

CHILDHOOD: Marcus Aurelius was raised by his mother and grandfather. He had a privileged upbringing, surrounded by the cultural and intellectual atmosphere of Rome.

EDUCATION: He received an excellent education, studying rhetoric, literature, and philosophy under the guidance of prominent tutors. He studied Greek and Latin under such tutors as Herodes Atticus and Marcus Cornelius Fronto.

CAREER RECORD: Marcus Aurelius embarked on a political career, holding various administrative and military positions before ascending to the throne. His resume reads:

Roman Consul (140, 145, 161 AD)

Co-Emperor with Lucius Verus (161-169 AD)

Sole Emperor (169-180 AD)

His reign was marked by constant military campaigns against Germanic tribes and the Parthian Empire.

APPEARANCE: He was described as having a dignified and austere appearance, with a prominent beard.

Bust of Marcus Aurelius 

FASHION: Marcus Aurelius likely dressed in the traditional Roman attire of his time, consisting of a toga and tunica, reflecting his status as a Roman aristocrat.

CHARACTER: He was known for his wisdom, integrity, and devotion to duty, embodying the Stoic virtues of self-discipline and rationality.

SENSE OF HUMOUR: Little is known about his sense of humor, but his writings suggest a pragmatic and serious personality.

RELATIONSHIPS: Marcus Aurelius married Faustina the Younger in 145 AD. History hasn't exactly been kind to her reputation.  Some Roman gossips painted Faustina as a bit of a poisoner and instigator, while others hinted she might have strayed a bit in the loyalty department.  It's hard to say for sure, but one thing is clear: Marcus seemed devoted to her, despite the rumours. They even travelled together on his military campaigns, and Faustina was quite popular with the soldiers.

Marcus and Faustina had at least 14 children during their 30-year marriage, including Commodus who succeeded him as Emperor. 

MONEY AND FAME: As emperor, Marcus Aurelius wielded immense wealth and power, but he was known for his frugality and modesty.

FOOD AND DRINK: He likely enjoyed the lavish banquets and delicacies typical of Roman aristocracy but may have also practiced moderation in his diet.

MUSIC AND ARTS: Marcus Aurelius appreciated the arts and supported the cultural flourishing of Rome during his reign.

LITERATURE: He was a prolific writer and philosopher, leaving behind the famous collection of Stoic reflections known as Meditations.

Meditations is a goldmine of practical wisdom on living a good life, even when the barbarians are at the gate and the plumbing's on the fritz.  It's a book that's been inspiring people for centuries. 

NATURE: Marcus Aurelius had a deep reverence for nature and often reflected on its beauty and harmony in his writings.

HOBBIES AND SPORTS: He likely participated in traditional Roman pastimes such as hunting, horseback riding, and attending gladiatorial games.

SCIENCE AND MATHS: Marcus Aurelius was interested in the sciences and mathematics, although his philosophical writings focused more on ethics and metaphysics.

PHILOSOPHY & THEOLOGY: He embraced Stoicism as his guiding philosophy, emphasizing inner tranquility, virtue, and acceptance of fate.

Meditations is a collection of personal writings that offer timeless wisdom on living a virtuous life. It explores themes of duty, living a good life, and accepting one's fate. 

SCANDAL: Marcus Aurelius was known for his moral integrity, and there are no significant scandals associated with his reign.

MILITARY RECORD: He was an accomplished military leader, leading campaigns against Germanic tribes along the northern frontier of the Roman Empire  for nearly a decade and also campaigned against the Parthian Empire in the east. .

HEALTH AND PHYSICAL FITNESS: Marcus Aurelius maintained good health throughout much of his life, although he suffered from various ailments in his later years.

HOMES: As emperor, he resided in the imperial palaces of Rome and occasionally traveled throughout the empire.

TRAVEL: Marcus Aurelius was a Roman emperor who spent a significant portion of his reign on the move.  The vastness of the empire demanded his presence for military campaigns, diplomatic negotiations, and administrative duties.

Much of his travel was dictated by war. These campaigns took him far from Rome, to frontier regions and cities throughout the empire.

Beyond military concerns, Marcus Aurelius traveled to various provinces to address local issues, inspect infrastructure, and maintain stability.

His travels were about as glamorous as a root canal performed in a bumpy cart.  Think freezing nights in drafty tents, questionable food options (mystery stew, anyone?), and the constant threat of catching whatever plague was doing the rounds in the Roman army.  Not exactly a relaxing spa weekend.

DEATH: Marcus Aurelius died on March 17, 180 AD, in Vindobona (modern-day Vienna) while on a military campaign against the Marcomanni tribe. The exact cause of death is unknown, but the most likely culprit is the plague that was ravaging the Roman army at the time.

Marcus Aurelius was immediately deified by the Roman Senate, which was a common practice for Roman emperors. His ashes were returned to Rome and buried in Hadrian's Mausoleum, which is now known as Castel Sant'Angelo. The mausoleum served as a burial site for several Roman emperors and their families until it was sacked by the Visigoths in 410 AD.

His death marked the end of the Pax Romana, an era of relative peace and prosperity in the Roman Empire.  He was succeeded by his son, Commodus, whose reign was far less stable.

APPEARANCES IN MEDIA: Marcus Aurelius' legacy extends beyond his time.  His philosophical writings and the image of the stoic emperor have captured the imagination for centuries.

Film and Television: He has been portrayed in numerous films and documentaries, including Gladiator (2000) and the television series Rome (2005-2007).

Literature: He appears as a character in historical fiction novels and is referenced in philosophical works.

Art: He is depicted in paintings, sculptures, and other forms of art.

ACHIEVEMENTS: Marcus Aurelius' reign was marked by both challenges and accomplishments.

Military Victories: Despite his preference for philosophy over warfare, he achieved significant military victories against Germanic tribes and the Parthians, securing the empire's borders.

Internal Stability: He maintained internal peace and stability within the empire during a turbulent period.

Economic Prosperity: The empire remained economically prosperous under his rule.

Philosophical Legacy: His most enduring achievement is his book Meditations. It remains a classic of Stoic philosophy and a source of inspiration for leaders and everyday people alike.

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