NAME: Saint Anthony of Padua
WHAT FAMOUS FOR: Renowned Franciscan friar, preacher, and theologian
Doctor of the Church
Patron saint of lost things, the poor, and numerous other causes
BIRTH: Born Fernando Martins de Bulhões on August 15, 1195, in Lisbon, Portugal.
FAMILY BACKGROUND: 15th-century writers state that his parents were Vicente Martins and Teresa Pais Taveira,
Anthony's family belonged to the Portuguese nobility, but his early life took a turn when he embraced a religious vocation.
CHILDHOOD: Raised in a noble household, Anthony had a comfortable childhood. His religious inclinations began to manifest early on.
EDUCATION: Anthony studied at the Cathedral School of Lisbon and later joined the Augustinian Monastery. Inspired by the martyrdom of five Franciscans, he decided to join the Franciscan order.
CAREER RECORD: Anthony joined the Franciscan order in 1220, drawn to their emphasis on poverty and preaching
A teacher of theology at various universities in Italy and France
A gifted preacher, Anthony's eloquence and passion earned him the title "Evangelical Doctor." He traveled extensively, preaching in Italy and France.
He served as leader (provincial) of the Franciscans in northern Italy
Anthony composed numerous sermons and writings, though few survive
APPEARANCE: Descriptions vary, but Anthony is generally depicted as slender with a beard and tonsure. He had a calm and contemplative demeanor.
El Greco's painting of St Anthony, 1580, |
FASHION: As a Franciscan friar, Anthony wore the simple brown habit of the order.
CHARACTER: Anthony was known for his humility, compassion, and devotion to serving the poor. Anthony was also characterized by his deep spirituality and commitment to the Franciscan ideals.
SENSE OF HUMOUR: Despite his serious demeanor during religious services, Anthony was said to have a gentle and humorous side, using wit to convey spiritual messages.
RELATIONSHIPS: Anthony developed strong bonds within the Franciscan community and had a close friendship with Saint Francis of Assisi.
MONEY AND FAME: Anthony disregarded personal wealth and lived a life dedicated to serving others, gaining fame for his miraculous deeds and powerful preaching.
FOOD AND DRINK: He embraced a simple and frugal diet, often consisting of bread and water.
MUSIC AND ARTS: Anthony had an appreciation for sacred music and art, using them as tools for conveying religious messages.
LITERATURE: He was known for his profound sermons and theological writings, contributing significantly to medieval literature.
St Antony Reading, early 17th century, by Marco Antonio Bassetti |
NATURE: Anthony expressed a deep connection to nature, often using it as a metaphor in his teachings.
HOBBIES AND SPORTS: He devoted his time to prayer, contemplation, and ministering to the poor rather than engaging in traditional hobbies or sports.
SCIENCE AND MATHS: While not known for contributions to science or mathematics, Anthony's intellectual pursuits focused on theology and spirituality.
PHILOSOPHY & THEOLOGY: Anthony was deeply immersed in Franciscan spirituality, promoting a life of poverty, humility, and service to others.
Renowned for his captivating preaching, Anthony of Padua drew multitudes as large as 30,000. His eloquence and theological expertise not only enthralled audiences but also led him to be called the 'hammer of the heretics' for his success in converting many Cathars, a dissident Christian group. Pope Gregory IX himself extolled Anthony as "the Ark of the Covenant and the treasury of Holy Scripture," believing Anthony's knowledge so vast that he could single-handedly recreate the Bible if necessary.
In Rimini, Anthony was faced with derision from local heretics, Anthony reportedly turned to the seashore and preached to the water. Miraculously, a multitude of fish gathered close, seemingly attentive to his words. This spectacle drew the townsfolk, who witnessed Anthony's powerful message first hand. He then challenged them, highlighting the fish's receptiveness compared to the dismissive heretics. This dramatic act reportedly led the townspeople to finally embrace Anthony's teachings.
St. Anthony of Padua Preaching to the Fish, by Victor Wolfvoet II. |
SCANDAL: No scandals recorded. Anthony led a life of virtue and piety.
MILITARY RECORD: No military service; Anthony dedicated his life to religious pursuits.
HEALTH AND PHYSICAL FITNESS: Anthony suffered from bad health throughout much of his life, and his strenuous travels took a toll on his physical well-being in later years.
HOMES: Anthony lived in various Franciscan friaries, including Padua and Bologna, during his ministry.
TRAVEL: Anthony traveled extensively throughout Italy and France, preaching and ministering to the faithful.
DEATH: In 1231, Anthony fell ill with ergotism, a condition caused by ingesting toxic fungi. Seeking rest, he traveled to a secluded woodland retreat in Camposampiero with two companions. He resided in a small room built for him beneath the shade of a walnut tree. Unfortunately, while returning to Padua on June 13, 1231, his illness worsened, and he passed away at the Poor Clare monastery in Arcella (now part of Padua) at the young age of 35 on June 13, 1231
He was canonized by Pope Gregory IX less than a year after his death.
APPEARANCES IN MEDIA: Anthony is depicted in countless paintings and sculptures, often holding the Child Jesus. His life has been the subject of many literary works and films.
ACHIEVEMENTS: Canonized (declared a saint) by the Catholic Church less than a year after his death
Proclaimed a Doctor of the Church in 1946.
June 13th is a holiday in Lisbon, Portugal, in honor of the city´s saint, Saint Anthony of Padua.
Anthony is remembered for his powerful sermons, miracles, and unwavering commitment to the Franciscan ideals of poverty, humility, and service to the poor.
Source ChristianityToday
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